I used to cook everything in the microwave not anymore!

What was better than the instant gratification of the microwave. Cooking times were short and it really didn’t matter to me what went in my body as long as I wasn’t hungry after I was done.

When we started a family I began to cook a little here and there. Now I am in full domestic mode and cooking even more.

I mostly do it because there aren’t many places that you can go to eat and get organic non GMO ingredients.

So my new love is the BBQ! I am armed with a meat thermometer. It unfortunately is stuck on Celsius mode. That’s ok. I just look my cooking temperatures up on a UK site.

So I pick my meat and go!

Chicken 165 Fahrenheit
Beef and Pork 145 Fahrenheit

Here’s the govt website for cook temperatures.

Easy peazy!

Cooking outside keeps the heat outside and adding some wood chips in a smoking box can add some tasty flavor.

I like to cook chicken whole standing up with either an open beer can or coke can. This helps keep the chicken moist. I like to go with a low temp about 250 degrees for most meat. It takes some time but is totally worth it.