Is a Menstrual Cup Gross?

Let’s face it. That time of the month there isn’t anything glamorous about it. I decided to try a diva cup mostly because I don’t like having to go to the store for disposable products. I thought since I managed to escape from two years of cloth diapers unscathed. Why not? 

I had been reading all about the bleached cotton that tampons are made of, it made me sick to my stomach. On top of that, the dangers of toxic shock syndrome was unnerving as well. So I bought myself a diva cup. I got the larger size because I’ve had a baby. 

How bad could it be? Well if you’ve used a non applicator tampon then it’s no big deal. There are a few nuances you have to get used to. The directions come with it. Here’s the basic rundown. 

You can leave it in for 12 hours at a time. Yes I said 12! That’s only reinserting it twice a day. No more public restroom issues! I smile everytime I see a sign that says do not flush feminine products now. Ha!

You have to dump it, right into the toilet then wash it before you reinsert. I have just dumped it and put it back in before in a pinch. 

I turn mine inside out when I use it. It eliminates the pinch of the tab sticking out of it. 

You will need to wash your hands after you reinsert. It’s not perfect. Maybe it is a little gross. Once in a while it may leak a little. But if you get it on right and do a full turn you should be golden. 

I love the freedom of the cup. I love helping the environment. It’s totally worth it for me!