Great Little Box For Oil Storage

When I began my oil journey I didn’t know how oils were meant to be stored. I originally put them in a tackle box which kept them in the dark, but I found that storing my oils this way was not great. I had some leakage and it was hard to find them if they rolled to the back and under a shelf it was impossible to find them.

I decided to go simple. I went on a mission to a Michaels store and I found a little treasure that was not too big and seemed to be a good fit. The dimensions are about 10″ by 3 1/2″. I can fit my 21 current oils inside very comfortably. The best part? It was under $4!

I have a different container I use for sharing that I purchased from I don’t want to take any full size oils with me anywhere they are too precious.

If you are interested in learning more or how you can get them for a wholesale price, please contact me directly.
I found a great resource to be it has information and research on uses of the oils. Please note that essential ōils are considered a supplement and does not claim to treat or cure any disease.
Legal Note: I am a Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

I used to cook everything in the microwave not anymore!

What was better than the instant gratification of the microwave. Cooking times were short and it really didn’t matter to me what went in my body as long as I wasn’t hungry after I was done.

When we started a family I began to cook a little here and there. Now I am in full domestic mode and cooking even more.

I mostly do it because there aren’t many places that you can go to eat and get organic non GMO ingredients.

So my new love is the BBQ! I am armed with a meat thermometer. It unfortunately is stuck on Celsius mode. That’s ok. I just look my cooking temperatures up on a UK site.

So I pick my meat and go!

Chicken 165 Fahrenheit
Beef and Pork 145 Fahrenheit

Here’s the govt website for cook temperatures.

Easy peazy!

Cooking outside keeps the heat outside and adding some wood chips in a smoking box can add some tasty flavor.

I like to cook chicken whole standing up with either an open beer can or coke can. This helps keep the chicken moist. I like to go with a low temp about 250 degrees for most meat. It takes some time but is totally worth it.

Our Switch to Organic

We all want to be healthier. We all want our kids to grow up with the best shot at life. Given all of the environmental junk that is already bombarding us everyday, I feel the least we can do is put the most natural things inside our bodies and out.

It all started when I was dating my husband and I was living alone in an apartment, I did most of my cooking in a microwave. I are a lot of protein bars, bread with spray butter, and soy milk. It all balances out right?

Then I became a little more domestic. Moved to the suburbs. And started cooking more. We made or more of a point to eat more fruits and veggies. We were making baby steps.

Then I learned about GMO’s and we started to try our best to try to start eating more organic foods. We cut down on gluten due to wheat and the prevalence of GMO’s in wheat.

The problem is we were eating the same things over and over. Then I heard about Abundant Harvest Organics It seemed like the perfect answer. Organic foods from local farmers at a great price delivered straight to your doorstep. There is always a variety of fruits and vegetables. They switch it up enough that you will be eating a good variety of foods. The website also has recipes which is helpful too.

It was this step that led me forward to going totally nutty and even making my own organic lotion!

Wait a Minute You Have To Maintain Cloth Diapers?

Yes you do. Cloth diapers do need occasional maintenance. It’s called stripping and not it’s not scary. All you need is a little bleach.

Ok so you’ve been using your diapers for a month or so depending on your washing schedule. I wash everyday one because I’m cheap and I didn’t want to buy a ton of diapers. I have about 6 covers and 9 inserts. I also don’t want to store the dirty ones anywhere at all. No diaper pails for me. I just have a couple wet bags and I wash them when I wash the diapers.

When you almost get knocked out with an ammonia smell when you change your diapers it’s time to strip.

Just wash your diapers the way you normally would. I have an He washer and I do a presoak, then hot wash, then an extra rinse. Then just do the same cycle but with only 1/4 cup bleach (no detergent). All you have to do is dry them as you normally do and you’re done.

If you have any staining issues just lay them out in the sun. “Sunning” will naturally bleach them out. It’s sounds like it won’t work, but it does.

Following the above protocol will help keep your diapers clean and fresh! I have been in a very heavy rotation with my diapers for over a year. At about the 18 month mark I did replace some of my inserts but my covers have been going strong.

Have I gone crunchy?

I’m still deciding whether I’ve gone crunchy or not. Just a few weeks ago I was introduced to the fantabulous world of essential oils. I guess after finding my son with a dishwasher pod in his mouth calling poison control and driving to the emergency concurrently I became sensitive to the chemicals in our house. Between cleaning products and the toxic substances that we are assaulted with everyday seeping into our skin and with kids just plain sticking them in their mouths I felt the need to protect my family. When I found out that I could make my own cleaning products with not much more than water, baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils all of which are natural and great cleansers I thought to myself, I can do this! So I bought a kit and the rest is history. I found with very little effort that I could make my own glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, air fresheners, carpet deodorizer, and much more. Then I went totally out of control and made a batch of body lotion and even toothpaste. I feel very in control of the things that are going into my body as well as my family’s. I decided that I needed to share what I found with everyone I knew. This is a gold mine!