Essential Oils Kill Bacteria!

Essential Oils killing bacteria! Check out this video!

Legal Note: I am a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

Smear Oil on Your Face? Are You Crazy?

Ok so I looked at my friend sideways when she was talking about oil cleansing. Why would you smear oil all over your face? It sounded like something that simply shouldn’t be done.

Of course, now that I am writing this blog, I feel that I must try these weird things out to determine whether they are great cost saving ventures or just stupid. Also, I don’t have money for cleanser when I’m an oil addict. Whatever the reason I decided to give it a whirl.

My recipe? Well I had a small sample tub of Clinique moisturizer that was empty so it put about half a teaspoon of sugar in it and filled the rest with FCO (fractionated coconut oil) then I added 5 drops each of frankincense, melaleuca, lavender, and geranium.

Here’s the method. You dab your fingers into the mix, picking up more sugar if you want a scrub and only oil if you don’t. Massage it on your face. You can put the stuff all over. It’s actually great for removing waterproof mascara too.

The next step is the most important. You take a washcloth and drench it in HOT water squeeze most of the water out. You are going to steam your face. You put the towel on your face until it cools. This is releasing the clogged stuff jammed up in your pores. Once you have done this to your face, then you wipe it off a little, splash some cold water on it and you’re done.

Here’s the wacky part. My face used to dry up like crazy when I used to wash my makeup off at night if I didn’t slather moisturizer all over my face, I wouldn’t even get to sleep it would feel so dry and tight. But now I just dab a little moisturizer under my eyes and that’s it. It’s amazing how your face can be clean and moisturized at the same time!

So far so good. I’m happy with the result, even more happy with the price, and my face is happy too!

July doTERRA Specials!

There are some really great promotions happening this month. First off I will have a zyto scan at my class this month, if you are in So Cal please email me or message me on my Facebook page: Granola Suburbian Mama and I can set you up!

For yet to be members! If you sign up for a membership this month only and spend 100PV you will get 50PV in product credits the following month you can spend on whatever you want! This is like free money, so take advantage!

For current members, if you process your 125PV (or more) LRP order before the 15th of July you will get the Product of the Month (POM) which is a 5ml bottle of Serenity, one of my personal favorites! Also, clear skin foaming face wash is 10% off this month!


To join my team, or to order oils at wholesale go to my site!

What’s a Zytoscan?


WHAT IS IT LIKE TO GET A SCAN? – Getting a ZYTO biocommunication scan is a simple and painless process. Simply place your hand on the ZYTO hand cradle while a scan is run. During the scan, subtle energetic impulses are introduced to your body through multiple input channels including the hand cradle. Your body will naturally respond to this communication and the ZYTO software records each response. Although a few people may be able to sense this energetic communication, most are unaware that the scan is taking place.
Depending on your healthcare provider administering the scan, the length of the scan can be as little as three minutes or much longer.
TYPES OF SCANS – Scans are organized into what are called biosurveys. You’ve probably filled out a survey before; a series of questions that you provide answers to. A biosurvey is essentially the same thing, only you don’t answer the ‘questions’ consciously, you answer them subconsciously. With biocommunication scanning, the ‘question’ is the subtle energetic impulse called a Virtual Stimulus Item or VSI, and your response, which is recorded and analyzed by the ZYTO software, is a change in the electrical properties of your skin.
Different biosurveys will include different VSIs. Some biosurveys are general in nature and include VSIs concerned with overall wellness, others include VSIs relating to specific areas of the body or body processes, and some may deal with environmental factors like toxins or allergens. A biosurvey can be as varied and versatile as any other survey.
Health practitioners use ZYTO products to help them make better decisions for their patients and clients. That’s why ZYTO technology is referred to as decision support technology. It’s important to note that ZYTO scans do not treat or diagnose.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY ZYTO SCAN? – Regular ZYTO scanning will provide you and your healthcare provider with up-to-date biocommunication information as your body and health needs change. Your healthcare provider will guide you with the specific schedule best for you.
ACCURACY – Clinical studies have compared ZYTO scan reports with results produced by generally accepted diagnostic methods. One pilot study conducted in Beijing China compared the results of a four-minute ZYTO scan to a two-day diagnostic workup on several hundred patients. The results showed a high correlation. This study was not undertaken with the idea that biocommunication scanning is an alternative to diagnostic testing, but to determine the clinical value of scan results as a guide for doctors ordering diagnostic workups.
SAFETY – There are no known contraindications for properly administered ZYTO scanning. The amount of energy used in a scan is so low that it is safe for infants, children, adults of all ages, for people with pacemakers, and pregnant women.
During the scan your body responds to subtle stimulus and provides answers that can help you make better health decisions.
An introduction to biocommunication.

Your first step to getting more out of life may be as close as a ZYTO biocommunication scan.

Learn how the ZYTO technology works.

The ZYTO report will provide you with insights and information that you can use as you make decisions about your health.

I Washed an iPhone and it Survived!

I didn’t do it on purpose. Really, I didn’t! My 2 year old son must have snuck it in. There was even a disposable diaper when I opened the washer up to put the clothes in the dryer.

My heart sank when I saw that oh so expensive piece of electronics sitting there in the washer. I immediately took it out of the otterbox and put it in a bowl of rice. I didn’t dare try to turn it on. 4 agonizing days later I tried to turn it on and nothing happened. Oh no!

But then I plugged it in and I saw the little charging image! I was so excited! It totally worked!