I was on the radio!

Imma superstar!

Checkout my interview quth KHTS! And visit me at:

Saje wellness in the valencia mall 3/31 at 1:30pm

Beer and Jazz Festival 4/14 at central park SCV 11am-5pm

The home and garden show in Santa Clarita, CA April 28 & 29 2018.

So excited to share my gifts with you.

Click to watch my on air interview!

I have 3 hands!

Ok maybe I don’t actually have 3 hands. But it’s close. I love this bag! Everytime I’m out with it someone comments on it. It’s a diaper bag complete with changing pad and a little insulated pouch. It’s machine washable. It’s a baby carrier. So perfect for running into stores or a trip inside an airport.


It is called the Side Kick by GoGo Babyz and it’s discontinued. I’ll give you a moment. It is sad I know. Why would I tease you? Well I did manage to find one on Ebay. Maybe you can too!

I would recommend the one without faux leather on it as is not machine washable and I’ve definitely needed more than a spot cleaning before.

Behold the Power of Lemon Essential Oil!

My wonderful son who I love very much decided to sneak a dry erase marker and write in my walls! I found the graffiti to my horror and thought to myself well I’m going to have to paint over that one. I tried all of the regular stuff windex, the cleaner to clean white boards well nothing worked at all. It might has well have been a sharpie.

Then I thought to myself. Wait a second! I know what I haven’t tried! Lemon oil. Of course! I just dabbed a little on a wash cloth and rubbed it on the wall. Here’s a before and after.



If you are interested in learning more or how you can get them for a wholesale price, please contact me directly. kdcorrea@gmail.com
I found a great resource to be http://www.everythingessential.me it has information and research on uses of the oils. Please note that essential ōils are considered a supplement and does not claim to treat or cure any disease.
Legal Note: I am a Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

Unbelievably Simple Natural Deodorant

I found this recipe after I had some skin issues with my baking soda based deodorant. With the hot summers here in Southern California, the baking soda was causing a rash. I was really bummed that my skin wasn’t complying with my desire to go chemical free.

Online I went on a search for another recipe. Well I found a couple, one is a little more pricey to make than others. They are both good, it just depends what you’re looking for.

Heres a link to the original post.

Here are my directions:

What you’ll need –

5ml roller (same as 1/6 oz) I got mine on http://www.aromatools.com

Citrus Bliss & Lemon essential oils. And fractionated coconut oil.

Fill a 5ml roller with 16 drops citrus bliss

Then fill with 16 drops lemon

Then fill the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil

Add your roller top

And you’re done!

If you are interested in learning more or how you can get them for a wholesale price, please contact me directly. kdcorrea@gmail.com
I found a great resource to be http://www.everythingessential.me it has information and research on uses of the oils. Please note that essential ōils are considered a supplement and does not claim to treat or cure any disease.
Legal Note: I am a Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

To watch a how to video for this item click here 

Are cloth diapers gross?

When I was getting ready to have my 3rd baby, and I was going to take some time off of work, I thought of things I could do to make our dollars stretch as far as they could go. I started researching cloth diapers and what was my first concern? Which diapers were the best for dealing with poop.

I ultimately went with the Flip system and here’s why. I found out that the all in one styles were super convenient they were almost the same as a disposable when dealing with changing a baby. I then looked into pocket style diapers and decided for a breast fed newborn that they were a good way to go. I bought some fuzzibunz on eBay. I wish I would have bought at least one straight from the vendor then I would have realized the ones I got on eBay were not exactly as described. Nonetheless they were very easy to use and I would recommend these types for a newbie as it is hard to not get them on right. I have to say that I have not noticed a difference with my water or electric bill. I wash at night during off peak hours and I have clean diapers in the morning.

After a couple of months I ordered some Flip diapers from Cotton Babies I really like the site mostly because every order is free shipping. Also if you hang around the site enough you might catch a seconds sale and get some diapers at a pretty good discount. The flip system is 2 parts. An insert and a one size cover. I have been using the flips with the stay dry insert. One insert during the day and doubling at night.

I have to say that I can count on my hands the number of times they have leaked. I know with disposables I would always have to pack an extra outfit in case of a blow out. It seemed to be a common occurrence. The flips however are great essentially no blow outs.

Which leads me to poop. The inserts are very smooth on the side that touches the baby and microfiber on the other side pulls the moisture away from your baby. The smooth surface is perfect for shaking poop off the insert and into the toilet.

I wash my diapers everyday at night. I feel like this is the best way to go because there is no time for the stinkies to build up. You may have to experiment with detergents to find the right one for your water source. I have a he washer and very hard water and I like Kushe I also like Green Mountain they seem to work well.


There are tons of colors to choose from!

I have to say that generally kids are gross and you’re going to touch a lot of things you don’t really want to. I don’t think cloth diapers are any more gross than anything else kids dish out. I would recommend having a couple of wet bags to keep your diapers you need to wash in. I really like my Planetwise wet bags with the extra zipper so I can toss it in my diaper bag. That way I can carry a clean diaper and wipes in the separate compartment and keep the messy ones in the waterproof part. I’ve left a stinky diaper in my Planetwise bag in a hot car and it contained the odor really well.

I have to say my favorite thing about cloth diapers is there is NEVER an emergency diaper run! Also saving $50 every couple weeks on cases of diapers that take years to breakdown in a landfill is a plus too!