Soccer Bows DIY

My girls have been in soccer several years. Every season I volunteer to make bows mostly because it’s a fun project. I have made many different types, but I have landed on one design mostly because it doesn’t take a million spools of ribbon. I can do 15 bows with 4 spools of 9ft ribbon which seems to be pretty good to me. Here’s what you’ll need. 

2 spools each of 2 different ribbon- one wider than the other

Small zip ties

Hair ties

First cut your wider ribbon about 14″ long

Then the more narrow ribbon about an inch longer


Then seal the ends of your cuts so it doesn’t unravel. I use my stove. Of course exercise caution. I just heat it up to melt the end a tiny bit. 

Then lay the skinny on the wider ribbon and create a loop. Be sure the longer end is on the overlapping side that is showing. 

Then pinch the middle of the ribbon. You’ll have to play with it to get the pleats where you want them. Leave the overlapping fabric in the back

Then take your zip tie and hair tie. Loop them together and tighten with a little space. You’ll need to loop the end from the back to create the bow look. 

Then wrap the end of the skinny ribbon around the front and tighten. 

Then cut the zip tie and you’re done!

Is dōTERRA a Scam?

When I was first introduced to oils I definitely went straight to the Internet to confirm my belief that there was no way that a drop of oil was going to benefit me in my life. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I encourage you if you are open to using natural solutions in your life to see the results for yourself! 

A Wellness Advocate can help get you a sample of an oil specific to your needs to try and make your own decision. 

I can’t imagine my life without essential oils. They have empowered me to make my own natural choices and I am so happy I have made the switch. 

Remember essential oils have been around for thousands of years. The modern twist is just extraction processes and packaging. 

I love my oils!

I Just Saved a Bear’s Life With Lemon Oil

When there’s a sticky situation lemon oil to the rescue!
I will never understand why kids like to cover EVERYTHING in stickers, but this poor little Steiff bear was a victim. Poor thing.
I was cleaning out the garage and found him with the aftermath of a sticker attack. I was sad and almost tossed him. Had he not been a Steiff
I probably would have. We have WAY too many stuffed animals around here and any excuse is a good one.
I thought to myself, “Hey this is a good test for my lemon essential oil“.
I put on a few drops and rubbed with a towel. The sticky stuff that was matting his fur came off! And he smells like lemon (my dd’s favorite!)
Thanks essential oils! Once again saved by my oils!


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