Good diffuser on the cheap

Although I’d love to get a doTERRA diffuser, it’s just not in the cards at the moment, but this one is!

So far it’s worked out well. I’ve used the snot out of it for the last month and it’s still alive, that’s longer than my last diffuser lasted, so I’ll take this as a win!

PMS and Essential Oils my Experience

Ok so maybe it’s more than only once a month when my hormones take over and go to battle with any innocent person I encounter.

I have however been able tame the beast with a few essential oils. I have found Serenity , Balance, and ClaryCalm very helpful.

In the morning I layer Balance and Serenity. It helps me to focus and stay calm as I get my kids ready for school. That pretty much gets me through until at least lunch. I’ll roll ClaryCalm on my abdomen for those hard days when I feel like I’m losing control of myself.

At night about an hour before bed time I diffuse Serenity to get us on the road to sleepy land. It really eases our family nighttime stress! I spray Serenity on everyone’s sheets before bed and it’s off to dreamy land.

I get a little time at night for myself too and that might be the best part!

To purchase oils click here for my doTERRA site

found a great resource to be it has information and research on uses of the oils. Please note that doTERRA is considered a supplement and does not claim to treat or cure any disease.

Legal Note: I am a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

Becoming a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA

I don’t like to pay full price for anything, ever. I also don’t like to feel obligated to buy anything ever. I totally get it.

I happened to pick a kit when I started that included an enrollment. It turned out to be a great thing! There are 3 fantastic ways to not have to pay retail for the superior product that DoTERRA offers.

1. Wholesale
2. Below wholesale with Loyalty Rewards (LRP)
3. Free!

Wholesale is easy. All you have to do is purchase an enrollment kit. Next time you order something just use your account. Easy peasy.

Below wholesale can be even less work. Just set up an auto ship order if you take the Lifelong Vitality Pack just set it up to ship using the LRP program which is free. You can edit your order anytime you like. Now you’re earning points up to 30% of your PV purchase! Redeem them for free products!

By redeeming points you get free products. If you have an LRP order over $125 PV and have it ship before the 15th of the month then you get a free product of the month too!!

It just keeps getting better! If you decide to have classes then you will be able to work towards getting all of your oils free and with some more work you can make a great income!

Of course you can cancel your LRP at anytime and you are never obligated to buy anything else.

If you’re interested in ordering oils or joining my team click here!

Here’s a short video on the program:

Why use a diffuser?

I think diffusing is most unselfish way to use oils. There are 3 methods to use essential oils for health benefits. Aromatic, topical, and internal. These methods don’t have to be complicated.

A diffuser is a machine that ultrasonically turns water and a couple drops of oil from a liquid to a mist and disperses them into the air. By breathing in the particles you are aromatically using the oils.

I have already broken my eBay special and am going through withdrawals. I wasn’t sure if I would use it so I went cheap, and as usual I am paying dearly. I know people that have the doTERRA brand diffusers. They are made in the USA and are very sturdy. One is definitely on my list of things to purchase.

Anyone in the room, including your pets will benefit from diffusing oils and it only takes a couple of drops.

It is important to note that using Distilled water and cleaning the sensor regularly will extend the life of your unit.

So get your diffuser and use it. If you don’t have one and you’d like to purchase one contact me. Otherwise get yours out and use it! You can’t benefit from essential oils unless you use them!

If you are interested in learning more or how you can get them for a wholesale price, please contact me directly.

I found a great resource to be it has information and research on uses of the oils. Please note that essential ōils are considered a supplement and does not claim to treat or cure any disease.

Legal Note: I am a Wellness Advocate who receives Bonuses and commissions from the Company. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be and what I write about on my blog are simply experiences I have had with my family. Also, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”